Behold, a collection of my attempts to leave a permanent impression on the vast expanse of the cosmos.
I've tinkered with a boatload of side projects, but these are the ones that earn me bragging rights. If something piques your curiosity, give it a whirl via the link below. And hey, don't be shy to drop some tips to level it up. After all, some of it's open source – let's make magic happen!
Flutter Polls
Customizable Polls for Flutter. Simple, easy to use and highly customizable.
Flutter polls on
Moving Pictures
Built with the Flutter SDK for Android and iOS, displays info on movies, series, and, actors.
Moving Pictures on PlayStore
Pet Shop is an e-commerce application for Android built with Flutter.
PetShop on PlayStore
The Movie Chain
A social game where players create “chains” of movies and the actors that appear in them.
The Movie chain on PlayStore
Simple social feed that showcases DDD Clean Architecture and separation of concerns.
Circle on GitHub
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More can be found on Github.
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